Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Lazy Quantum Computer

It's kind of like me in high school: not doing the assigned reading but still getting a decent score on the pop quiz. From "Easy Answers: Quantum computer gives results without running" at Science News Online:

Physicists have long known that quantum computers have the potential to race
through calculations trillions of times as fast as ordinary computers do. Now,
it seems that those machines may not have to calculate at all to deliver

That seemingly absurd possibility, which was advanced as a theory
several years ago, has now received experimental verification. What's more,
although previous calculations indicated that such an approach would work only
half the time at best, the new study suggests that it could become completely

Apparently we may not even have to run computers in the future-- They will just have to exist. And maybe we can do away with that, too. Seriously, though, this sort of experiment challenges what seems like common sense (that is, that it would have to run to give a correct answer). It makes you (well, me, at least) wonder if it can really be true. Maybe I'm just too simple. Any thoughts? (Nerd Family, I'm calling you out on this one--You can't be silent on a topic as nerdy as quantum physics.)

Read entire article, if you dare, here.

1 comment:

NerdDad said...

OK, here's the short answer. Quantam Physicists are stoned-out-of-their-minds hippies. They think a single photon can go through two different directions and then interfere with itself. They think electrons can "tunnel" through solid metal leaving no holes or evidence, as though the laws of nature were guarded by Colonel Klink and Seargent Schulz. They don't even know if their cat is dead or not!! Don't trust these people.