Thursday, March 30, 2006

Scout Songs

When I was very young, my older brother was a Boy Scout and my dad was a Scout leader of some sort (I think even after my brother was no longer a scout). I would often go to the meetings with my dad, so he has always joked that I was an honorary Boy Scout. Since I spent some of my formative years attending Boy Scout events, I was quite excited when I happened across, a virtual songbook. I looked up my favorites and they're all there! I grew up singing Pink Pajamas. In fact, even though I knew the tune was from a better-known song, for the longest time I seriously thought the chorus to the Battle Hymn Republic went:
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
Glory, glory, what's it to ya'?
Another longtime favorite of mine is Johnny Verbeck. If you grew up with Scouts too, enjoy!

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