Monday, March 27, 2006

Get a Blog

If you have read the comments on the previous post, you noticed that every winner of the Friday lyric contest is blogless, I repeat, blogless. And since they have no blogs to which I can link, they are requesting Starbuck's prizes. Well, I have a few words for these "winners"... Kick your Starbuck's habit and start a blog! (I say this to them because I know them personally. If you're new here, don't worry, I don't treat all my readers this way.) But maybe you can help me out: If you want to give away Starbuck's gift cards (say you own a Starbuck's; or maybe you can't stand the stuff but people keep you giving gift cards; or perhaps you're the president of the Corporation for American Coffee Addiction) and you want to donate Starbuck's prizes for 80's lyrics winners, I will gladly accept the donation and distribute the prizes. Yes, April, even retroactively.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

I find it interesting that the word, "blog" can be conjugated and used as a verb, noun, or adjective as in the sentence: I'm a bloggin' blogger who blogs blogs all day. I think that's reason enough to start a blog!