Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Answers, Part 2

Question #3 - What indulgence did I give up for the past three years?
This is the answer that needs the most explanation. Some of you (you know who you are) will argue with me on this one. The correct answer is sodas. Technically: buying sodas. More technically: buying sodas for myself. Three years ago our church began a fundraising campaign for our new building. We made a three year commitment and I decided that we could give more if I gave up ordering a soda with dinner when we went out (something I loved to do) and buying sodas at the grocery store (something I rarely did). Being the rule-oriented person I am, I started to question my commitment: Did I give up sodas completely? What if I was offered a free soda? What about buying sodas for guests to my home? So I had to come up with some rules that were consistent with the purpose: Free sodas were okay. Buying sodas when expecting company was okay, but I would buy what they would want, not necessarily what I wanted AND I wouldn't open a bottle of soda for my own consumption but would drink it after a guest had opened it. Oh yeah, and when pregnant and nursing (21 of those 36 months!), sometimes I justified a soda purchase in order to keep myself hydrated. So there's the long explanation to the short question. Oh yeah--the three years is up and I'm buying and drinking lots of my favorite soda now. But which one is that? You'll have to wait for the answer to question number 6!

Question #4 - I met Brad in college:
We weren't in the same calculus class, Brad never lived in the dorms, and I never went to a frat party. We met at an InterVarsity event.

Question #5 - What is my favorite TV show of all time?
This was a tricky one considering how much I write about American Idol. And I like all the shows I listed a great deal. But Whose Line is it Anyway beats them all by a landslide.

More answers tomorrow!

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