Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Peaceful Moment

Breakfast time is always busy: Bottle for the baby. Milk for the boy. Coffee for me. Do you want your bagel toasted? Oh, we're out of bagels. When we finally sit down to eat, it's one bite for baby, one bite for me, one look at the puzzle of the day on my calendar. Repeat, adding the occasional Keep your spoon over the bowl. But for one moment today, in the midst of all that, I was sitting alone on my back patio sipping my coffee, enjoying the cool of the morning. Truthfully, the kids were still there, quietly eating, one on each side. And I wasn't quite outside, still a few feet away, separated by a screen door. And sure, the coffee was instant. But I was enjoying the morning for that moment. Part of me would love to spend the entire morning like that each day. But I know I would so easily tire of it, take it for granted. But to have one moment like that in the midst of such busyness makes it sweeter, a gift from God, something I am still savoring 6 hours later.


Maya said...

It's the little gifts like that from God that make life so wonderful! I hope you get more days like that in the very near future!

April said...

Those small things make it all worthwhile and inspire you to keep going . . . even better than caffeine!

Cheri said...

After reading this post yesterday, I decided to make myself some tea during Andrew's nap (now) and relax a little. Thanks!