Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Last Week

I have really had trouble keeping up on the blogging! Mostly I just haven't had anything to say. (Which is an excuse even I don't believe.) This last week has been a little crazy: Last Tuesday afternooon my one-year-old daughter woke up early from her nap crying. I went in to see what was up and she was fine. I hugged her and laid her back down. About 20 minutes later more crying and I open the door to find--well, not a pretty sight. She was sick and I had a huge mess to clean up. My Fresno sister was supposed to be over at any minute with her newborn and my SoCal sister was about 30 minutes away from my house coming to visit with her baby boy. The 48-hour sister-fest I had planned on enjoying was suddenly replaced by a week of cancelled plans, staying home, and wondering who was going to be sick next. I am very glad to be well again. Spending an afternoon with stomach pains so bad you are hoping you throw up makes you appreciate your health once it's back!

Plans cancelled:
- Playing with nephews
- Staying up late with sisters
- Dinner out with sisters, mom, and families
- Baking Christmas cookies with sisters
- Choir practice (twice)
- Bible study
- Leading worship
- Dessert event at church
- Picnic at park with friends

Sickness schedule:
- Tuesday/Wednesday - baby girl
- Thursday/Friday/Saturday - me
- Saturday/Sunday - my boy
- Monday/Tuesday/??? - my hubby (though he doesn't seem to be getting the worst of it)

1 comment:

April said...

I sure hope you all are feeling better now. We passed the icky bug around for about four weeks total.

"Not much fun for little Harpo."
~Dory, Finding Nemo