Thursday, January 19, 2006

I Am The Next American Idol

Okay, so, I'm not. But someone will be. The 2006 season started this week and I caught most of the Chicago and Denver audition shows. I enjoy watching people make fools of themselves as much as the next guy, but it would have been nice to see more than three or four of the people that were actually good. One thing I've learned from watching the not-so-great auditioners is that I want to be humble--if for no other reason than pride makes you look so stupid. Whether it is flaunted in an I-don't-care-what-you-think attitude or disguised with false humility (and I've tried both) you end up looking like such a fool. I'm sure that's a verse in Proverbs..."The proud man looks like a fool" or something.


NerdMom said...

Unfortunately, you(and I) are to old to be American Idols;).

Anonymous said...

I see NerdMom is very supportive of your dream! :)

I would totally vote for you if you went on "Idol"
(read with Valley Girl accent)

I am an eighties girl, after all!