Friday, June 01, 2007

Jonah, Part 2

So I just read chapter 3 and was struck by another little thing. It's verse one: "Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time." So, Jonah rejected God's first command by physically running away from God. God spares the guy's life from drowning and then allows him to live on dry land again (instead of inside the fish). Jonah doesn't really deserve it, but God allows him to live anyway. That should be enough. But then, on top of that, God reaffirms Jonah's position as prophet by giving him a second command to go to Nineveh. Unfortunately, as we'll see in chapter 4, Jonah still has a bad attitude about the whole thing. Does he not realize the grace just extended to him??? Anyway, it's just encouraging to know that God doesn't think in our terms--our usefulness to him is not over because we have walked away from him and his ways for a period of time.

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