Sunday, April 22, 2007

In the Beginning

This is my 3.5 year-old's account of creation as overheard in the car tonight: “On the first day, God created light and dark. On day two, God created squishy fish and pens for people to write with. On the next day, He made creatures and squishy fish and animals that creep and crawl and hop and gallop. On the next day, he made light and dark and Adam. On the next day, He made people and cars and trucks and helicopters and boats and tractors. On the next day, He made engines and buses to go everywhere. And shapes and colors. On the next day, He made toys to go in the stores. On the next day, he made numbers and letters. The end. Wasn’t that a good Bible story?”


Cheri said...

This is hilarious!!! We had friends over last nite and I read it to them too. We were cracking up! What a great nephew I have!
btw, I titled my post before i even saw yours... what are the chances???

Joleen Heard said...

That is one cute little boy! Uncle Curtis really enjoyed the squishy fish.

Anonymous said...

On what day did God make PB&J?


Flo Paris said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!
This is pretty awesome. I love how he included hopping and galloping along with creeping and crawling.
Also, I have to say, God got REALLY ambitious on day 5.