Monday, July 31, 2006

New Species Discovered

Tonight after dinner my husband and I were helping my son look through his latest issue of Wild Animal Baby. We were pointing out and identifying pictures of different animals in the magazine when I asked my almost-three-year-old what one of them was. He answered "orange-chicken-bear." My husband and I both looked at him searching for clues as to what he meant and then looked at each other and started cracking up laughing. If you eat at Panda Express as often as we do, and you love their orange chicken as much as we do, then you may have figured out that the animal in question was... you guessed it: a panda bear. So, as of this evening, in our home, that lovable endangered species has a new name: Orange Chicken Bear.


April said...

That's one for the scrapbook! Very cute!

Cheri said...

That is hilarious!