Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sara's 80% Rule

A while back I said I would tell you more in a later post about how I like to finish things to about 80%. Since I am out of things to write about, today is that day.

So, as I said, I like to finish things to about 80%. I guess it would be more accurate to say I like to achieve about 80% of what would be perfection and then stop working on it. Let me give some examples: I don't write "rough" drafts of anything. Or, rather, my "final" draft IS my "rough" draft. I remember learning to write essays in 5th grade. The teacher had us write about something or other and then explained that she would mark up our papers and have us rewrite it. I thought this was ridiculous. Why spend time rewriting something that was pretty good already? If I can spend an hour working on something (anything, not just an essay--stay with me, here) and get it to 80%, why would I spend another hour to get it to 95? Because that's what it would be, right? This is how I do almost everything. I do something the first time (play a new sport, try a new hobby, whatever) and everyone says "Wow! You've never done this before? That's amazing!". Well, what are they going to say next time? "Good job. But work on this over here." What? Work? I don't think so.

Obviously, I don't quit everything after the first time. This is about my 125th post to this blog, for instance. I have things that I am more passionate about. Things I will do regardless of what people say. (Well, not regardless, but with less regard.) And I have some things I do that I can't stand to leave at less than 100%.

So, there you have it--Sara's 80% Rule. Feel free to apply it yourself! And let me know how it works out for you!

NOTE: The remaining 20% of this article would not have made much difference, had it been written.


NerdMom said...

There is nothing to say but, knucklehead;)!

April said...

While I consider myself a perfectionist in most areas, there are some instances where 80% is good enough. For instance, my latest blog post lists eight things I like about living in Fresno. I intended to list ten things, but I got tired and stopped at eight. 80%! Good enough! ;)

Maya said...

I agree with you completely Sara!! Why put 100% into something when you can put 80% into and do an ok job and then use the remaining 20% for something different? Like going to Starbucks, stamping, or taking a nap!

80%...I like it!