Monday, June 26, 2006

Adventures in Potty Training, Chapter 2

This one isn't so much an adventure as an update. Many of you have been through potty-training before. (I mean on the trainer side--I hope if you're reading this that you yourself already use the toilet quite successfully!) So perhaps you're familiar with some of the more common challenges associated with the process: frequent trips to the potty, cleaning up accidents, avoiding public restrooms, and many, many more. My biggest challenge though is this: My son has a bladder of steel. This morning, for instance, he changed out of his Pull-Up and into underwear at 7:00AM. He did not pee until 7:30PM. In case you missed it: 7:30PM. Oh and he had many fluids in between. Now, he did pee in the potty--that part was great. But the kid would rather wait until he gets to wear a Pull-Up and suffer the discomfort than go in the potty!


Maya said...


I can barely make it down the hallway first thing in the morning sometimes!! :)

NerdMom said...

Well, you could of had the boy who would pee on the couch and wouldn't care (read as wouldn't tell either)?

April said...

Hopefully he won't keep doing that, but I'm guessing it will get to be too uncomfortable for him to hold it that long. It sounds like you are making progress, although I'm sure it doesn't feel like it. Hang in there!