Thursday, April 06, 2006


I have finished my first book of the year. (Yes, I know it's April.) My bro-in-law Gabe gave me Bruchko by Bruce Olson for Christmas this last year. The note on the package said it was "off the hook" and, being as un-hip as I am, I thought it was some sort of clue as to what was inside (like a phone or a new-fangled fishing pole), not that he was just saying it was cool. Well, Gabe was right: This book is off the hook. It's about a guy who goes and lives with this Indian tribe in South America to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's a really amazing story and one of those books you don't want to put down. Near the end the story gets kind of choppy, like he got 80% through and just wanted to finish the darned thing. (Somepost I'll tell you why I relate so well to that.) Anyway, I highly recommend the book.


Cheri said...

Tapeworms have a whole new meaning now, don't they??? :) Honestly, though, I would also strongly reccomend the book.

NerdMom said...

Is this related to the End of the Spear? I had heard that there was more than one book (one dad's story and one the son's).